• Camarones Cucaracha

    Crispy, deep-fried shrimp served with their shells and heads, sautéed in a fiery Nayarit-style sauce. Accompanied by fresh orange slices, crisp cucumber, and julienned onions for a refreshing contrast.

  • Filete de Pescado

    Fish fillet grilled to perfection or with your choice of sauce: rich garlic, tangy Veracruzana, or spicy Diabla. Each option enhances the delicate flavors of the fish for a truly delightful meal.

  • Octopus

    Savor our octopus, available in your choice of three delectable sauces: rich garlic sauce, tangy Veracruzana sauce, or spicy Diabla sauce. Each option offers a unique and flavorful twist on this tender seafood delicacy

  • Citrus-Grilled Salmon

    Perfectly seared and dipped in a tangy citrus sauce. This dish combines the richness of grilled salmon with the bright, refreshing flavors of citrus for a uniquely delicious experience.

  • Grilled Salmon

    Perfectly seasoned with a blend of herbs and grilled to perfection. Served with fluffy white rice and a fresh, crisp salad for a light and flavorful meal.

  • Langostinos

    Nayarit-style pan-seared prawns that are expertly cooked to perfection. These succulent shrimp are seasoned with traditional flavors, offering a delicious and savory taste of coastal cuisine.

  • Piña Rellena

    A tropical delight featuring seafood stuffed inside a half pineapple and topped with melted cheese. This unique and flavorful dish offers a perfect blend of sweet and savory, served with a touch of island flair.

  • Parrillada/ Mariscada

    A generous feast featuring tilapia, mussels, crab legs, shrimp, and octopus. Perfectly prepared and designed to serve 4 people, this seafood platter is a delicious way to share a variety of flavors and textures with friends and family.

  • Molcajete

    Featuring a tantalizing mix of oysters, octopus, shrimp, and crab legs simmered in our rich Nayarit-style sauce. Served sizzling on a traditional hot mortar and pestle for an unforgettable dining experience.

  • Coctel de Camarón y Pulpo

    Shrimp and octopus cocktail prepared with cilantro, onion, tomato, and avocado. Available only at the Algonquin location.

  • Coctel de Camarón

    Shrimp cocktail.

  • Caldo 7 Mares

    A flavorful red soup brimming with a delightful mix of shrimp, octopus, fish, clams, calamari, and crab. This special seafood medley offers a rich and satisfying taste of the ocean in every bowl.

  • Caldo de Camaron

    A hearty shrimp soup with a rich tomato base. This comforting dish is packed with tender shrimp and savory flavors, perfect for a satisfying meal.