• Enchiladas de Camarón

    Three delectable enchiladas filled with succulent grilled shrimp, drizzled with your choice of salsa: vibrant green, robust Tex-Mex (chili), rich Bufa (red guajillo chili), or creamy Suiza (ranchero sauce and cheese).

  • Enchiladas de Mole

    Three enchiladas filled with your choice of meat, topped with our rich and flavorful signature mole sauce, melted cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. Served with a side of fluffy rice and savory beans.

  • Enchiladas Bufa

    Three enchiladas filled with your choice of meat, covered in rich guajillo sauce, melted cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. Served with a side of fluffy rice and savory beans.

  • Enchiladas Tex-Mex

    Delicious enchiladas filled with your choice of meat, topped with our hearty Tex-Mex sauce (chili with beef), melted cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. Served with a side of fluffy rice and savory beans.

  • Enchiladas Suizas

    Three enchiladas filled with your choice of meat, topped with our rich ranchero sauce, melted cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. Served with a side of fluffy rice and hearty beans.

  • Enchiladas Poblanas

    Three enchiladas filled with your choice of meat, smothered in tangy green sauce and melted cheese, and topped with a dollop of sour cream. Served with a side of fluffy rice and savory beans.